Natalie – Severe Eczema & Steroid Withdrawal
Natalie has been suffering from severe Eczema for sometime now, she has it on her face, arms, back and neck. She was prescribed steroid based creams and although helpful to begin with, anyone who has used Steroid creams knows that your symptoms come back with a vengeance. By the time she contacted me, she was suffering from severe steroid withdrawal and the only product that was being offered to her was Cortisone / Steroid based ointments. She told me she was not going back to using cortisone creams again.
Natalie’s condition required the use of ENDOR™ 3.5 and we did not expect delivery until end of June 2016. So we had some ENDOR™ 3.5 specially prepared for her and a couple of other patients, who have been suffering with severe conditions for a long time. She has sent us some before and after photos and she has agreed for me to share them on our Facebook page and website. – Dr. Iraj